Thursday 21 November 2013

Miley talk

So as everyone in the whole universe knows ... Miley Cyrus has grown up! Big whoooop!
It is really beginning to do my head in the way people are reacting to her!
Yes the ex disney star has done some differrent performances to what she would have done many years ago in her sparkly clothes and blonde wig posing as Hannah Montana; but she IS an adult now!

I don't know about you but I have most certainly used the line "mum im not a baby"  or something along them lines; its exactly the same thing but on a much bigger scale, she has the whole world watching in closely on her life with a magnify glass waiting for the tinest of flaws to happen.

She is a young human being, has feelings but to put it straight she obviously does not care in the slightest shes having fun, that is all that matters!!
I just cannot get my head around all this bad press she has been receving. Don't get me wrong I don't think she has helped herself out in the bestest way i.e glamorising drugs - or not even that but smoking a joint on tv or whatever she done BUT she done it ... perhaps she learnt, or perhaps she didn't but I really think people should move on with their lives.

Food for thought

Alio x

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